Products for Sale
- Safety Equipment
(lifelines, lanyards, rope grabs, harnesses, termination plates) - Wire Rope
- Hoists
- Stages
Service Products
- Customer Hoist Repair Service
- Building Access Equipment Inspection & Certification
- Engineering Services
- Rigging
- Preventive Maintenance
- Pre-Use Inspection
- Annual Inspection
Rental Products
- Swing Stages
- Work Cages
- Hoists
- Weights & Beams
- Parapet Clamps
- Scaffold
We use the finest Scaffolding and Swing Stage products available in the industry. This equipment is designed and manufactured using state-of-the-art technology.
Our motors climb 35 feet per minute, using 220-volt single-phase power and they support working loads of from 700 to 1500 pounds. If a power failure occurs, controlled descent is assured by a manually operated centrifugal brake, thereby avoiding uncomfortable waiting or lengthy and dangerous maneuvers.
Our modular staging is all aluminum and light-weight and can be assembled to produce two motor platforms of from six to sixty feet in length.